Pictured (from left) Cllr. John Bailey, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council; Ian M. Kane, Director & Co-Founder, Dún Laoghaire Town Football Club; Stephanie Batt, Dún Laoghaire Tidy Towns Committee and Michael Merrigan, Chairperson, Dún Laoghaire Community Association at the photo shoot to launch the Community Association's public campaign for the commissioning of a statue of High King Laoghaire. This photography by Ken Finlay features the statue of Vercingetorix erected in Alesia, France to commemorate the great Gaulish leader. The Community Association suggested that a scaled version of this type of statue would be very appropriate for the Town Centre as above. This type of statue would be an iconic monument for the centre of our hometown - the first to recognise and commemorate the eponymous founder of the "dún" which gave its name to the Town.