Combined Residents' Association covering the Town Centre of Dún Laoghaire approx. 8kms from Dublin City Centre in Ireland

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Environmental Enhancement Plan

Dún Laoghaire Community Association



For the purposes of this proposal the “area” covers Library Road, Rosary Gardens East & West, Oratory Court, St. Mary’s Street, Northcote Avenue, Northcote Place, Cross Avenue, Dominick Street, Tivoli Terrace East (north end), Desmond Avenue, Wolf Tone Avenue, Mills Street, Covent Road, Patrick Street (north end), Mulgrave Street and the laneways in the vicinity of the above.

By achieving a consensus amongst the residents of the “area” on the various options, ideas and proposals on improving the general appearance of the area, to formulate a set of proposals for action by the community in partnership with the County Council and to seek the implementation of these proposals as part of a sustainable and fully inclusive “Community Environmental Enhancement Plan”.

This is a discussion document upon which, the Community Association will base a proposal for presentation to the County Council.

The following actions are only suggestions for discussion amongst the residents prior to the formulation of a more definitive list of proposed actions for discussion with the officials of the County Council. Please note that the proposed actions are not listed in any order of priority.

1. The “greening” of the area in line with the County Council’s Biodiversity Plan to improve the environment and the quality of life in the area.

2. Encourage the use of window boxes, hanging baskets, and flower troughs where there are no gardens.

3. Encourage the proper maintenance of the appearance of the housing stock in the area by regular painting and, where appropriate, produce a voluntary scheme for certain streetscapes.

4. To aggressively tackle the scourge of graffiti by the prompt removal of such by the County Council.

5. To formulate, in conjunction with the County Council, an anti-litter, anti-dumping and anti-fly-tipping strategy to include an area cleansing regime.

6. To seek the regular maintenance and clearing of all roadside drains by the County Council to prevent flooding and the clogging of the drains by vegetation and litter.

7. To seek the vigorous implementation of the Litter Acts in respect of abandoned shopping trolleys throughout the area.

8. To seek the erection of permanent public notices concerning the refuse collection days, including green bags, and to state that it is illegal to place refuse bags on the street for collection at any other time.

9. To arrange for community clean-up days where residents can cooperate in the cleaning or clearing of communal areas with the assistance of the County Council to remove rubbish thereafter.

10. The metal shutters on shop fronts should conform to the specifications in the County Development Plan.

11. Road signage should be improved in order to encourage and direct traffic away from the residential areas.

12. A pedestrian crossing should be sited on Cross Avenue just before the junction with Convent Road to facilitate the safe crossing of the road by children attending the schools and other pedestrians.

13. Encourage the proactive participation in the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.

14. To seek the erection of Garda CCTV cameras on Convent Road (west & north) to cover the School and the junctions with the two laneways and Lower George’s Street.

15. To ensure that no public seating areas are sited in any proposal involving the narrowing of Cross Avenue as per the 2003 proposal.

16. To seek the County Council’s assistance in obtaining an appropriate piece of public art to be located on Cross Avenue and/or St. Mary’s Street.

17. To prevent the gable ends of the houses on Cross Avenue and Library Road being attacked by graffiti provision should be made by the County Council for the placing of climbing plants in each area.

18. To seek out, in conjunction with the County Council, an appropriate design for flower troughs to be sited at the base of the exterior walls of houses without gardens to permit the growing of climbing plants or roses etc.

19. To seek the County Council’s proactive support for the erection of an appropriately designed residential development at the junction of Cross Avenue (east) and Patrick Street to act as a “book-end” building to enhance the appearance of the streetscape.

20. To seek the erection of signage indicating to vehicle drivers the use of the area’s roadways by children and the elderly. The demographics of the area will attest to the necessity for such signage.

21. To seek the erection of bollards at the southern end of Desmond Avenue to prevent cars turning in this cul-de-sac from either mounting the pavements or damaging properties. There is a dangerous camber on this street.

22. To seek the erection of gates by County Council at the southern end of the laneway running parallel to Convent Road and Patrick Street and to erect the same at the laneway running parallel to Patrick Street and Mulgrave Street.

23. To seek the taking into public ownership and ultimately the proper maintenance of the laneway between Convent Road and Patrick Street.

24. To ask the County Council to investigate the title to the plot of land between the Granite Shop and the former tattoo parlour on Cross Avenue and to explore the possibility of the County Council acquiring this land for residential development.

25. To establish a Tidy Towns initiative throughout the area and to encourage pride of place by promoting a knowledge, appreciation and awareness of our community, town, local history, environment and the need to cherish and protect this heritage.

26. To support the residents of Desmond Avenue and Wolf Tone Avenue in their campaign to have their houses properly insulated and maintained by the County Council.

27. To seek the placing by the County Council of “tree boxes” containing relatively sized blossom trees along Cross Avenue, Desmond Avenue, Dominick Street and possibly, placed in a central position in St. Mary’s Street.

28. To consider the proposed Traffic Management Plan and its impact on the overall objectives of this “Community Environmental Enhancement Plan”.

29. To establish an on-going liaison mechanism between the appropriate officials in the County Council and the Community Association’s group overseeing the implementation of this “Community Environmental Enhancement Plan”.

30. Any actions considered by this plan should ultimately be included, where appropriate, in the wider proposed Dún Laoghaire Area Plan.

It is proposed that an “Action Group” under the auspices and direction of the Dún Laoghaire Community Association will be established forthwith to swiftly progress matters.

Then a meeting will be arranged with the County Council to explore the possibilities of implementing the various actions proposed by this “Community Environmental Enhancement Plan – Phase 1”

Michael Merrigan

Dún Laoghaire Community Association

Constitution of the Dún Laoghaire Community Association

Cumann Phobal Dhún Laoghaire
Dún Laoghaire Community Association


(Adopted 2001)

1. Name
The organisation shall be called the Dún Laoghaire Community Association or in the Irish language, Cumann Phobal Dhún Laoghaire, and hereinafter, “the Association”

2. Status & Area
i. The Association shall be a non-sectarian, non-party political, community representative organisation.
i. For the avoidance of any doubt as to the status of the Association, Ministers of Religion, Town, Urban District, City and County Councillors, Seanadóirí, Teachtaí Dála and Members of the European Parliament shall be deemed ineligible for election to the positions of Chair, Vice-Chair, Hon. Secretary or Public Relations Officer of this Association.

ii. The community shall be defined as residing in the area of Dún Laoghaire bounded by the sea, Glenageary Road Lower, Glenageary Road Upper, York Road, Cumberland Street and Old Dunleary.

iii. The area covered by the Association may be amended to include adjoining areas wishing to participate in the Association.

3. Aims
The aims and objectives of the Association shall include:-

i. To represent the community of Dún Laoghaire and to raise issues of behalf of the people residing in the Town with the local authority, An Gárda Síochána and other state or semi-state agencies as may be required.

ii. To advise and liaise with the elected County Councillors and Teachtaí Dála on matters of concern to the community in Dún Laoghaire.

iii. To provide a forum for public discussion on matters of concern to the community in Dún Laoghaire.

iv. To seek the establishment of a Community Council to further co-operation between the business community and the residents of Dún Laoghaire.

v. To support the establishment of Community Resource Centres in Dún Laoghaire.

vi. To support the community tourism initiative in Dún Laoghaire as represented by Dún Laoghaire-Dublin’s Riviera Ltd. and, tourism throughout the county as represented by Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Tourism Company Ltd.

vii. To support and liaise with the Dún Laoghaire Tidy Towns committee.

viii. To support initiatives to encourage the use of the Irish language in Dún Laoghaire in co-operation with Foras na Gaeilge.

ix. To formulate policies in relation to crime, litter, drugs, parking and other such matters of concern to the community and to seek membership of such national or local organisations or bodies as may further the aims of the Association.

x. To publish a newsletter on matters concerning the community.

4. Community Representation
The Association seeks the participation of the widest possible representation of the community of Dún Laoghaire, therefore, the following categories of Community Representative (CR) shall be established:

i. Representatives of existing Residents’ or Tenants’ Associations nominated to represent their organisation and their area. One CR per organisation.

ii. Representatives of areas not covered by Residents’ or Tenants’ Associations. These areas shall be defined by the Association to facilitate the election of Community Representatives by the residents in these areas.

iii. Two Community Representatives to be nominated by the Dún Laoghaire Active Retirement Association.

iv. One Community Representative to be nominated by the management company of the Dún Laoghaire Community Resource Centre on Library Road.

v. The Association may from time to time consider applications for representation by community organisations dealing with young people, immigrants, travellers or persons with disabilities.

5. Observer Status
The Association may offer observer status to representatives of An Gárda Síochána and the Dún Laoghaire Business Association in order to foster co-operation in areas of mutual concern.

6. Governance of the Association
The governing body of the Association shall be an Executive Committee consisting of Community Representatives, from and by which, the following officers shall be elected, Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Public Relations Officer.

7. Terms of Office

i. The Community Representatives shall be nominated and/or elected to serve a term of not more than two years, following which, they may seek re-election or re-nomination for further terms of not more than two years.

ii. The officers of the Executive Committee shall retire annually but be eligible for re-election at the first meeting of the Executive Committee following the Annual General Meeting.

8. Meetings

i. The Executive Committee of Community Representatives shall meet at least four times in each calendar year to receive officer reports and to oversee the business of the Association.

ii. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of March each year on a date to be determined by the Executive Committee.

iii. Special General Meetings or Public Meetings may be held at any time at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

iv. The Association may organise special area or sector meetings to facilitate the election of Community Representatives or to address a special issue of concern.

v. As a general guideline the Association shall adhere to Roberts’ Rules for Meetings and shall conduct its business accordingly.

9. Funding
The Association may make such provisions as are required to secure adequate funding for the operation of the Association, however, donations from all corporate bodies shall be declared and made public. Donations from individuals over Ir£500 (€635) shall be declared and made public.

10. Amendment of the Constitution & Winding Up

i. This Constitution may be amended by a ballot of Dún Laoghaire residents present at the Annual General Meeting of the Association or at a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose.

ii. The Association shall be wound-up by a vote of the Community Representatives and any funds remaining following the settlement of all and any liabilities shall be donated to a recognised charitable organisation or organisations determined by the Executive Committee.